LawGold™ Loss Prevention Course

LawGold™ welcomes members and friends to the on-line loss control education website. This self-study course is based upon the work of Carter Hampton, III of the law firm of Hampton Associates and Irwin F. Giles, Esq. Successful completion of the loss control course secures for current policyholders a discount of up to 10% of the annual LawGold™ premium for up to three years. The premium discount is adjusted in proportion to the number of professional staff from an individual firm that successfully completes the course. This course provides an overview of the sources and causes of malpractice claims, their legal basis and relatively simple and effective loss mitigation techniques.
After completing this course you will be able to recall, identify and/or determine:
- What your policy covers with specific reference to the most important clause and exclusions.
- What to look for when considering new clients including an intake checklist.
- How to identify and deal with high risk clients.
- The use of engagement, disengagement and non-engagement letters.
- Using calendars and electronic systems.
- The best methods of communicate with clients.
- Best billing practices and suits for fees.
- Addressing assignments which are beyond the scope of your expertise.
- How to handle conflicts of interest.
- How a professional malpractice claim will impact an attorney.
This interactive educational program is aimed at attorneys with only a basic knowledge of the legal liabilities faced by lawyers in professional practice, and a working knowledge of professional standards. No advance preparation is required. The course is divided into ten separate modules. Each module is followed by a multiple choice review quiz. A pass level of 70% is required to complete the module and move to the next section. You have three chances to pass the quiz. If you are not successful you may download and review the materials again and retake the quiz. All ten units do not have to be completed in one attempt. Participants may log-off at the end of any module and then resume to the course at a later stage to complete the course. The entire course must be completed within 12 months of the initial sign-on. At the end of the course you must take a final examination of 40 questions which requires a pass mark of 70%. Upon successful completion of the examination, a certificate of completion will be issued. Please keep a note of your login name and password if you wish to do this. No credit will be granted until all twelve units are completed.
The Modules are:
1.0 Professional Liability Coverage's As Provided By Your Policy
2.0 Client Intake
3.0 High Risk Clients
4.0 Engagement Letters
5.0 Use Of Calendars And Electronic Systems
6.0 Client Communications
7.0 Billing And Suits For Fees
8.0 Outside Your Expertise
9.0 Conflicts Of Interest
10.0 How Claims Impact You
For more information please contact our office at 201-447-4400.
This course revised on 2/08/2016